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Crepes and Cakes was established and inspired as of 3 weeks ago, yes thats right, three weeks ago. It was a sunny June 3rd 2014 day and i was on the way home from my awesome job when the idea hit me.  It was a spontaneous idea for a way to enjoy summer and earn money for school.


My mother has been making crepes for over 40 years. She makes them for most major hollidays, but goes all out for Christmas! We have close to 40 or so people in the community come over for Christmas morning breaksfast each and every year for the last 30 years! So, i decided this is a way to pay honor to my family while doing something I enjoy.


What does cakes have to do with crepes you might ask! technically speaking, its the same ingredients, BUT for our title, it was choosen because my wife, being the creative genius she is, has been to school for cake designing and is also a professional makeup artist who makes her own organic makeup for clients! how cool is that?


What makes Crepes and Cakes so much fun? I LOVE to cook and I believe in using only the best of the best! Growing up in a farming community, I still buy my food locally as much as possible and as much of it as organic or non GMO as possible.


Please come visit us at our local events or have us at your next wedding!




Matt & Mandy Thomas


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